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Foam Wall Insulation

Larry Janesky from Dr. Energy Saver talks about how to inject foam insulation in a raised ranch house with vinyl siding.

It's not surprising that foam insulation is gaining popularity. Rigid foam insulation board is very versatile because of its high R-value, water resistance and air-sealing ability. Spray foam insulation can also be used in a wide variety of ways. Both insulation materials can perform well in walls.

To see how foam insulation can benefit your home, contact Dr. Energy Saver! Our contractors are trained and certified in using this product properly.


Rigid foam insulation is best for basement and crawl space walls

Rigid foam insulation provides an R-value that can range from about R-4 per in. to over R-6 per in., depending on what type of foam is used to make the panel. In most applications, the foam board is glued to the foundation wall; joints between boards are sealed with 1-part spray foam and then covered with aluminum tape to keep the insulation coverage continuous. In a basement, building codes typically require that this layer of rigid foam insulation be covered with a fire-rated wallboard material.

Foam Insulation From Dr. Energy Saver

New life for old walls. Injection foam has the perfect consistency to flow into wall cavities. It can stop uncomfortable drafts due to air leakage, making the home’s building shell much more energy efficient.

Injection foam insulation can upgrade insulation levels in wood-frame walls

Most existing wood-frame walls will either have no insulation installed in wall cavities (between studs) or fiberglass insulation that isn't performing well. In either case, energy efficiency and comfort can be dramatically improved by filling wall cavities with injection foam, a special kind of spray foam designed specifically for use in building cavities. This water-based foam insulation has the consistency of shaving cream when it's injected into walls through access holes. It flows around obstacles and existing insulation, filling gaps completely to seal air leaks and provide more complete insulation coverage. It hardens after a few minutes and will not settle, shift or compress like fiberglass insulation.

Install foam wall insulation from Dr. Energy Saver

Interested in foam wall insulation solutions for your home? It's not hard to see why! The increased comfort and energy savings will benefit your home for years to come. Invite your local Dr. Energy Saver to inspect your home and get started on installation today!

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