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Loft Ceiling Insulation

Loft Ceiling Insulation

Sloped solution. Loft or cathedral ceiling insulation is usually installed between rafters, like the rigid foam insulation shown here. A finished surface of gypsum board will cover the rafters and insulation.

A loft ceiling is basically the same as a cathedral ceiling. In other words, all or part of the ceiling follows the slope of the roof. This type of ceiling is difficult to insulate well. The width of the rafters limits the thickness of the insulation that can be installed.

If recessed lights have been installed in the ceiling, the body or "can" of each recessed fixture interrupts the insulation, creating a spot where heat can escape during cold weather or enter the living space on hot summer days.

Dr. Energy Saver can help solve the issues caused by loft ceilings and recessed lights. Contact your local dealer to get started on this energy-saving solution!

Seal around recessed lights to limit energy losses

If the loft ceiling space is not accessible from above, it will be difficult or impossible to install additional insulation in this type of ceiling. But what you can do to improve energy performance is seal around the fixture's trim strip or retrofit your recessed lights with airtight interior fittings. Such fittings are not available for all brands and sizes of recessed fixtures.

More insulation options for loft ceilings in new construction

In new construction, there are different options for insulating a loft ceiling. But for starters, it's smart to use surface-mount light fixtures on the ceiling instead of "can" lights. This will eliminate a major source of air leakage and energy losses.

If fiberglass batt insulation is installed between rafters, consider augmenting this R-value with a layer of rigid foam insulation applied to the underside of the rafters, prior to installing the finished ceiling material. This continuous layer of rigid foam insulation will make a big difference in energy efficiency by adding R-value and also decreasing air leakage.

To see the benefits of this solution in your home, invite your local Dr. Energy Saver dealer into your home!

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