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Blown-In Fiberglass Insulation

Blown-in fiberglass insulation is used almost exclusively in unfinished attics. Depending on who you're talking to, it may go by "blow-in" or "blown" fiberglass insulation, but these variations all refer to the same material. Instead of being manufactured in batts or rolls of different thicknesses and widths, blown-in fiberglass insulation is produced as a "loose-fill" material.

Dr. Energy Saver dealers have access to this type of insulation. Contact us today to see if brown-in fiberglass is right for your attic!

A fast, affordable, energy-saving upgrade

Prior to upgrading the insulation in your attic with blown-in fiberglass, it's essential to thoroughly air-seal the attic first. Loose-fill insulation like blown fiberglass or blown cellulose will not work effectively if air is moving through the material. The most effective way to limit this air movement and maximize insulation effectiveness is to seal air leaks between the attic and the living space below.

Loose-fill fiberglass insulation leaves the factory packed into dense bales that are covered with a protective plastic skin. Once at the jobsite, bales are split in half and fed into a hopper that shreds and fluffs the material, then blows it into the attic through a flexible hose. A technician in the attic directs the application, aiming for complete and uniform coverage.

In New England, the U.S. Dept. of Energy recommends at least R-49 of attic insulation. Since many houses fall well below this level, it's smart to have your attic insulation levels checked by an experienced, full-service insulation contractor like Dr. Energy Saver.

A complete attic insulation upgrade with blown-in fiberglass can usually be done in a day or less. Research has shown that air-sealing combined with an attic insulation upgrade can reduce heating and cooling costs by 40%. That savings represents hundreds of dollars that families can use for things other than electricity and heating fuel.

All households can benefit from investigating energy loss through the attic and finding the right solution. Get in touch with your local Dr. Energy Saver dealer to discover more about insulation options and get started on energy savings today!

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