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Home Energy Savings

Home Energy Savings with Dr. Energy Saver

Today more and more homeowners are interested in home energy efficiency. They're searching for home energy saving tips, educating themselves about home energy conservation, and contacting energy efficiency companies to inspect their homes, perform energy audits, and make a wide range of energy-saving upgrades.

Dr. Energy Saver dealers are at the forefront of the energy efficiency movement, dedicated to giving homeowners greener, more affordable homes. Contact your local dealer to schedule a home energy audit and discover all the ways you can save!

Why the interest in energy efficiency?

  1. Protection against increasing utility costs. Electricity rates continue to rise in many parts of the country. Consider also that the cost of propane, natural gas, and fuel oil are increasingly volatile these days. Heating fuel prices might drop one week and skyrocket the next for any number of reasons: an oil spill, a hurricane, political upheaval, or evidence of environmental damage due to different mining or extraction methods. Today many homeowners are interested in improving home energy efficiency in order to protect themselves from future spikes in energy costs.
  2. Greener living. People who want to do their part to preserve our planet understand that applying different energy-saving ideas is an important aspect of greener living. When you take advantage of different energy-saving tips, you're helping to reduce air pollution and the carbon emissions that have been linked to climate change.
  3. Improved resale value. When electricity and heating fuel were cheap, real estate agents and home buyers paid no attention to insulation levels and utility bills when inspecting a house. Not anymore. Today home energy efficiency is very likely to be scrutinized not just by prospective home buyers, but by appraisers and mortgage brokers as well. People understand and appreciate that an energy-efficient home is more affordable to own. A green, energy-efficient home has greater resale value than a comparable home without green features.
  4. More comfort. In a house that's not energy efficient, you're forced to deal with rooms or areas that are too hot or too cold at different times of the year. In effect, your living space shrinks because of too little insulation and too much air leakage, or because your HVAC system is outdated or inefficient. When you have an energy audit performed on your house by an energy efficiency company, you'll learn what's causing comfort problems in the home and what improvements can correct these problems.
  5. More protection from power outages. Have you noticed how frequently storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and other extreme weather conditions have forced homeowners to cope without electrical service? Another reason to improve home energy efficiency is to minimize the demand on the HVAC system during a power outage. When a home has a more efficient building envelope (thanks to insulation and air sealing improvements), it can remain comfortable longer and with lower demand on the HVAC system. Homeowners who depend on electrical generators during power outages have learned that improving home energy performance means fewer hours of "roughing it" because of a generator that can't supply enough electricity.

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