About A NO Dealers in Seymour, CT

Energy Efficient Home

"I Want to Improve my Home's Energy Efficiency. How Much can I Expect to Save?"

Home Energy Pie ChartToday it's more important than ever to make our homes more energy efficient without sacrificing home comfort. Our most common energy sources – electricity, natural gas, propane and fuel oil – keep getting more expensive for numerous reasons: increased global demand, political instability, environmental concerns and extraction challenges.  

Improving home energy efficiency helps homeowners to be more financially secure by reducing monthly utility bills. At the same time, homes that use less energy help to save the environment by reducing carbon emissions that cause air pollution and climate change.

Dr. Energy Saver makes home energy savings accessible for everyone. We provide industry-leading home energy audits, as well as Free Estimates for a comprehensive range of energy-saving improvements.

"Where do I start?"

This is a common question among homeowners interested in saving energy. It's understandable to be confused because houses use and lose energy in numerous ways. Building scientists, who study how houses perform, explain that a house is a collection of different systems that interact to affect outcomes such as durability, comfort, energy consumption and even health factors such as indoor air quality.

The first step on the path to improved home energy efficiency can vary based on the specific conditions a home energy expert encounters and on the homeowner's priorities. For example, a homeowner may elect to replace an old water heater as the first step because family members are tired of running out of hot water.   

A home energy audit provides a detailed road map for energy savings

Performing energy-saving improvements in a haphazard way isn't a good idea. That's why most people who are serious about saving energy decide to have a home energy audit done by skilled energy technicians like those at Dr. Energy Saver. A comprehensive energy audit involves testing, inspecting and calculating to produce a complete energy profile – everything from air leakage and insulation levels to HVAC system efficiency, lighting, water heating, appliance efficiency and more.

With a complete home energy audit from Dr. Energy Saver, you'll also get a prioritized list of recommended improvements – not just what to do, but also what order the improvements should follow. Schedule a Home Energy Audit Now!

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