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Solar Heating

Solar Heating

Solar thermal collectors collect heat using liquid or air. These evacuated tube collectors heat water as it flows through the tubes. The heat is transferred to a large water tank, which can then be used to heat water for washing and for space heating.

The sun is the most powerful source of energy we have. The sun's heat generates our planet's weather patterns and ocean currents. Even though the earth absorbs only about half of the solar radiation that reaches its surface, the amount of solar energy absorbed in just a few hours is more energy than the world's human population uses all year long!

To see if your home can take advantage of solar energy as a heat source, get in touch with your local Dr. Energy Saver and schedule a home energy audit!

How we utilize the sun's energy

Plants harness the sun's energy through the process of photosynthesis, turning carbon dioxide into organic compounds that serve as nutrients. Humans have been utilizing solar energy for thousands of years, in a number of different ways. Long before central heating systems were developed, early builders learned to orient homes and other structures to capture the sun's warmth. Many of these "passive solar" design principles are still in use today.

In addition to taking advantage of solar energy with passive solar heating features, it's also possible to warm buildings using "active solar" systems. As the name suggests, active solar systems require energy (usually in the form of electricity) to utilize the sun's heat.

Is your house a candidate for solar heating?

How can you tell if your house is a good candidate for solar heating? Sometimes a good solar orientation is obvious. In other cases, a less ideal solar exposure can sometimes be improved by trimming back or taking down trees. To get a professional assessment of your home's potential for solar heating, it's best to confer with a home energy specialist or a contractor who specializes in solar installations.

Whether your home has a good solar orientation or not, it's important to look beyond solar heating for energy savings. Building envelope improvements like air sealing and additional insulation are far more affordable than solar heating systems, and these upgrades save energy at all times, not just when the sun is shining. Dr. Energy Saver can help with all of these efforts and more - call or click below to schedule a home energy audit with your local dealer!

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