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Hybrid HVAC systems save energy by choosing the most efficient way to heat or cool

A heat-pump produces heat much of the time. When it can't because temperatures are too cold, a backup furnace takes over. Such systems are often call "hybrids" because they combine two types of heaters.

Like a hybrid car, a hybrid HVAC system can "choose" between two different energy sources to attain the highest efficiency. Depending on the demand for power, a hybrid vehicle (like the Toyota Prius or the Chevy Volt) "chooses" to run on battery power or power from a gasoline engine.

With hybrid HVAC, the system's computer selects either an electrically-powered heat pump or a furnace that burns natural gas, propane or fuel oil.

Find out how a hybrid HVAC system can increase your comfort and decrease your utility bills. Dr. Energy Saver provides free HVAC system inspections and estimates for energy-saving improvements, including hybrid heat systems.

Energy savings are greatest during the heating season

Hybrid HVAC systems are sometimes referred to as "hybrid heating systems" because they provide the greatest energy savings during the heating season. Here's how the energy-saving technology works: When it's chilly outside, heating is provided by an air-source heat pump that consumes electricity.

The heat pump uses a refrigerant compound to "pump" heat from outside to inside. But when it gets really cold outside (below freezing), an air-source heat pump can no longer work efficiently. That's when the fossil fuel furnace takes over.

Circuitry in the HVAC control module tells the system when to switch from heat pump to furnace heating. During the summer, the heat pump's cycle is reversed so that the heat pump can provide air conditioning.

Find out how a hybrid HVAC system can increase your comfort and decrease your utility bills. Dr. Energy Saver provides free HVAC system inspections and estimates for energy-saving improvements, including hybrid heat systems.

Pay a minor premium to gain major energy savings

Hybrid cars cost a little more than their conventionally-fueled counterparts. So do hybrid heating systems. But in return for paying a little extra for a hybrid HVAC system, you can save 30%-50% on HVAC costs over the course of a year. That's why many homeowners are interested in stepping up to hybrid HVAC. Dr. Energy Saver is skilled in installing these systems - contact your local dealer today!

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